Interested in Becoming a Question Writer?
We are now accepting applications for writers for the 2025-26 Season.
About the Position
OBOB question writers are assigned one book from the official OBOB reading list to read in its entirety and use to write trivia questions. Writers’ questions are then edited and formatted, and they become the official questions used in all local-, regional-, and state-level OBOB tournaments. Writers must be familiar with OBOB and understand how the tournaments are structured, as well as know the procedure for individual battles.
- Write concisely and use correct grammar
- Use Microsoft Excel and/or Google Sheets
- Attend a mandatory Zoom or conference call training
- Communicate with OBOB editors promptly and be willing to rewrite questions as needed
- Adhere to a submission deadline
- Read a minimum of one title from the official OBOB list
- Write fifty to sixty original In Which Book questions
- Write fifty to sixty original Content questions
- Read and adhere to the OBOB Question Writing Guidelines
- Keep all official OBOB questions absolutely confidential
- Must not be a 2025-26 OBOB participant (student)
- Must be of at least high school age, with parent permission, with a preference for adult writers
Dates and Deadlines
- April 1, 2025: Application deadline
- Please apply as soon as possible. Most recent years we have filled all available slots before we reach the official application deadline.
- Attend a mandatory conference call training prior to writing questions:
Monday, April 21, 2025; 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 26, 2025; 11:00 a.m. – Noon
- May-June 2025: Read assigned OBOB book and write questions
- June 30, 2025: Final deadline to submit questions to division-level editors
If you are interested in being an official OBOB question writer, click on this link to apply:
If you have questions, contact:
Ken Randall
OBOB Questions Editor